Tuesday, July 31, 2007


One of the must-have supplements for diabetics is benfotiamine. It is a fat-soluble Vitamin B1 that prevents the cross linking of protein and glucose in the body. The cross linking is the source of all the side effects of diabetes - loss of feeling in the feet and hands, loss of vision, and kidney problems. Benfotiamine stops the cross linking of glucose and protein.

So, if you are diabetic, you should be taking Benfotiamine in addition to alpha lipoic acid. Take 600 mg per day.

A nice side effect is that it gets rid of itching and burning feet.


Kathy said...

It would be great if you could put all the supplement information in one area so it could be linked easily...maybe a box on the side of your site. Great information.

Martha Katona said...

Hello, Dr. Jeffrey!
It seems we would be much in agreement about diet, exercise, and weight loss. The only difference is that I cannot recommend a low carbohydrate diet, for the following reasons: it produces a loss of muscle mass. And since muscle is what burns calories, the low carb diet slows metabolism.

This can all be seen on a body composition scale, and we have seen muscle loss every time people go below about 70 carb grams daily. In my case, I added 30 pounds of muscle as I lost 110 pounds of fat. That 30 pounds of muscle I gained as I lost my weight burns another 390 calories per day for me now that I was not burning when I weighed 283.

The balanced carb and protein diet I recommend is not low carb, but it is not high carb either. Most women can use 90 to 100gm protein and carbs together and still lose weight if they keep the fat grams below 40 gm, which is a heart healthy diet.

So, each and every day, I am sure to get my 100 gm protein, along with 100 gm low glycemic carbs, and I make sure I never have carbs by themselves. I am on about 1100 calories per day, evenly balanced in protein and carbs each and every time I eat. This alone balances blood sugar, then the supplements finish the job. It is always food first, then supplements, for glucose control.

The 100 gm protein and 100 carb grams keep me gaining muscle, and therefore, ramping up my metabolic rate, which the low carb diet does not.

The benfotiamine blocks 3 of the 4 pathways that produce glucose crossing with protein, which is responsible for most of the co-morbidities of diabetes. It also helps with the pain. I am very glad I found it.

Again, thanks, and best wishes to you and everyone who cares about the ever growing problem with diabetes.
