Monday, September 10, 2007


Apply it and it really works. Hunger and tiredness go away immediately. Make about half your protein as whey protein and half your carbs as fruit. Don't forget your omega 3's - up to 10 gm per day. It is OK to go over on protein by about 10%, but don't try to get any less carbs. The fat is the hard part. When you need more protein to hit your protein target (that is your FIRST concern) and you are at your fat limit, have a protein drink.

Also, the water cure works for insulin resistance and weight loss. Drink half your weight in ounces of water, divided into doses 30 minutes before meals. I drink 90 ounces of water - but it needs to have SEA SALT in it, not regular salt. You need the minerals.

Take a good multi vitamin - I like Life's Fortune, but Vibe is great if you have the money.
And take alpha lipoic acid and reishi mushroom with each meal and snack.

Digestive enzymes are needed on this small number of calories.

You should be feeling mildly hungry for about 30 minutes before you eat the next time. Anything more than mild hunger and you are losing muscle, and slowing your metabolic rate down. So don't skip any meals or snacks, your are already at rock bottom for the number of calories. Any less and you are losing muscle.

Also, if you walk for half an hour daily, you can have an extra protein bar. Eat the bar before you exercise.

This is so successful. Find a good protein bar that has equal grams protein and carbs. Good brands are Healthwise, Kanani Falls, and so on. They are handy for your midafternoon snack.

Also, find a protein loaded breakfast shake recipe, the Reese's shake recipe on my blog is wonderful, tastes like a chocolate peanut butter shake. Just use the high protein chocolate pudding mix in it, or you can use chocolate whey protein - about 15 gm worth.

You can find a log sheet to use to hit your target numbers in the previous posts.

Welcome to the next part of your life! I help hundreds of people lose weight, and I don't charge for my services. This is my "right work" for all the help I got to lose my 110 pounds.

Best wishes,



Anonymous said...

Hi Martha,
You sure do give a lot of dietary advice. What are your credenitials? Are you a registered dietitian?

Anonymous said...

Hi Martha! Should I be worried about interactions of the supplements you recommend with my meds?
The National Institute of Health list EVIDENCE BASED facts about common supplements diabetes patients take at
Are your recommendations evidence based?

Martha Katona said...

No, I am not a registered dietition. I successfully control my diabetes using these methods, and have lost 110 pounds with a 30 pound gain in muscle mass. But I have worked very closely with a bariatric physician, and have helped over 600 people lose weight (successfully, which means a gain in muscle mass) by setting fat, protein, and carb targets according to the amount of lean muscle mass that each of our people have. I have learned, and can show you how, if you are not getting the right amount of fat, protein, and carbs as you diet, you will be losing muscle mass. It plays out every time on the body composition scale, and is very, very predictable. People always want to go to the gym and starve themselves to lose weight, but that is a formula guaranteed to lose muscle. Instead, you must get your food composition right, and when you do, your body loses fat and gains muscle. No magic here, but it is human physiology. I know that because I have dealt with it directly among over six hundred people on the body composition scale.

There is only one way to successfuly lose weight, and that is to gain muscle as the weight is lost. Otherwise, the body simply burns up the muscles to get the energy it needs, and therefore lowers the ability to burn calories. The weight will always come back unless there is muscle gain as weight is lost. We are literally increasing the metabolic rate by increasing muscle mass. As a result of my 30 pound gain in muscle, my body is now burning 390 calories per day more than when I weighed 283. And that happens day and night, so the weight will never return.

Also, by using small meals throughout the day, and balancing protein and carbs, most diabetics can learn to balance their own blood sugar, and at least minimize the use of insulin and diabetic medication. The balanced protein and carb diet was recommended by the American Diabetic Association for some 50 years, until they started taking money from the Pharmacomafia and Candy manufacturers. Now, they are saying "adjust your insulin" - and the exchange diet is a farce, because it is too complicated.

Excuse me for hopping on my soapbox. If people rely on insulin to balance their blood sugar, and don't balance protein and carbs, they are marching straight toward the point where insulin does not work any more - end stage diabetes, with blindness, amputations, kidney dialysis, heart attack and stroke. End stage diabetes happens because of increasing insulin resistance, with time, because they have not learned to use just-in-time food, balanced protein and carb diets, and some of the 1200 known substances to lower blood sugar other than insulin. This is information that most doctors have never even seen, much less know enough about to recommend the right path to minimize the effects of diabetes. It is certainly not being taught in the traditional medical establishment, because it means that people will be LESS dependent on doctors and medications if they are successful with this, like I am.

There is no other way to preserve your health if you have been diagnosed as diabetic, other than to learn to balance protein and carbs, eat small meals, lose weight, and use the supplements, like benfotiamine, and alpha lipoic acid, that prevent the co-morbidities of diabetes. Ignore at your own peril.

Best wishes, and I wish all diabetics the best. You have the key to healing if you follow this advice, at least enough to minimize medication and lose weight.


Martha Katona said...

Yes, you should always be worried about how anything effects your medications, and should be working closely with your doctor to adjust them. Use Western medicine for what it does best: to measure and diagnose.

The first day you actually hit your targets for protein, fat, and carbs, you will need to lower your medication according to your doctor's instructions. Most diabetics can phone in their readings to their doctor or nurse's station. You really do need medical supervision if you begin to balance protein and carbs. We think the way we eat in the Standard American Diet (SAD) is normal, but it is not what the body wants. The body wants roughly equal calories of fat, protein, and carbs. When you supply that, the body loses fat and gains muscle all on its own.

Also, alpha lipoic acid and reishi mushroom and ginger tea and exercise all work to about the same level to lower blood glucose as insulin. This, indeed, is evidence based, as a glucose meter never lies. Different people will have different responses, so it is imperative to work with your doctor.

During the transition period, measure your glucose often. I eat 5 times per day, and measure 5 times per day. That way, I know exactly how ANYTHING effects my blood sugar. You should do the same, if you can.


Anonymous said...

You have a very nice blog, good post...keep up the good job