Friday, February 23, 2018


Yesterday, my post prandial after lunch was 115.  I had taken 20 units insulin, as usual, but I ate 1600 calories, and had an extra Panera asiago cheese bagel.  I woke up with fasting glucose of 107.  The barley is working its magic really hard now.  This is so much better than 28 units of insulin twice daily that I was using, now down to 20 units daily to burn 400 more calories.

I have given thought to how people can integrate barley into their food as diabetics, and some caution is necessary.  When barley improves their metabolic rate, a change in medications is needed.  If dieting software is used, this is possible to track by how many calories are burned.  But I highly suggest that the person’s doctor needs to be involved on any large medication changes.  So, with this caveat, I can highly recommend barley for any diabetic.  But it will be necessary for them to track what they are eating and note the increased metabolic rate.  So my suggestion is to use dieting software (I use Calorieking) and take careful notes of what you are eating and how much medication you are using. Work with your doctor to track medication amounts. 

Since not everyone has diet software, and most don't test as much as I do, I am closing this section of posting on barley.  If you can track what you eat, and work with barley, it is definitely worth it.  But it requires vigilance, and time to make barley bread, and taking barley pills religiously.  So, be vigilant, record your food nutrition with software, and work with your doctor.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Well, this has been tougher than I thought, but I won’t give up.  Yesterday, I went back to 1200 calories, and got caught in the same trap I did several days ago.  I was really hungry on 1200 calories, had to eat more, and shoot insulin as a result.  I am having trouble adjusting my insulin dosage to my new metabolic rate with the barley.  1200 is too little, 1400 is too much.  I think it will come around at 1300 calories, but I am going to sign off for a few days while I work this out.

From what I can see, the barley has given me about 100 free calories every day on less insulin.  But it is choppy waters until I figure out how much more I can eat without having to take more insulin.  This is a good problem to have, but I will be away while I figure it out.  Thanks for coming along for the experiment on barley.

If you work with barley for yourself, be sure to work with your doctor, as your medications will need to be adjusted.  And it would be great to figure out your newly won free calories, so use barley wherever you can.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


My fasting glucose this morning was 105, but I ate 1400 calories yesterday and had to take extra insulin.  So the insulin is what is talking on my fasting glucose today.  I will be going back to 1200 calories to see what the barley is doing, rather than 1400.  My body is just not ready for those calories.  I did learn the extent of the metabolic increase with the barley, but could not sustain it day to day at 1400 calories.

So, here is the 1200 calorie menu today, and I will stick to that.  We should see more improvement on the barley and 1200 calories.

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampa cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Breakfast wrap made of Mission Carb Balance Tortilla, 2 scrambled eggs, onions, green pepper, ham and 2 pieces bacon, small apple

DINNER:  3 oz sirloin tip steak, baked potato, salad, Dole Sugar Free Peach Cup

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking – 163 calories

Total net calories 1200

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


My fasting glucose this morning was 155, and I took 10 units insulin.  This reflects the fact that I had 400 extra calories yesterday, to see what would happen to my fasting glucose at that level.  It returned to my normal fasting glucose of 155, but golly, I ate 1600 calories yesterday.  Breakfast post-prandial then was 139 .  I added Little Debbie Spinwheel to snack,  110 calories.  After dinner, added On Protein Cake Bites, 1/3 package for 72 calories.  Total added calories 230.  Later, a small croissant and an extra tangerine.  Total added calories for the day, 400.

This is amazing.  The extra calories are what pushed me up to 155 fasting glucose, but it took 400 calories extra to do that.  That is the best measure I have so far of how much the barley is increasing my metabolism, as the fasting glucose is my usual fasting glucose, only it was produced today on 1600 calories yesterday instead of 1200.  I will not challenge with extra calories today, but I will keep up the planning for 1200 calories and probably eat about 200 extra calories, to see if 20 units of insulin and 1400 calories will get me down into lower fasting glucose readings.

NEWS FLASH: There’s a new product out at Walmart based on protein cake and frosting, called On Protein Cake Bites.  There are 20 gm protein per cake bite package, and 25 carb grams.  I eat one cake bite at a time, (which is 1/3 the package) and that is what I had for dessert at dinner.  Delicious, and it added protein that I needed.

So, here is the menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampa cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Balance Tortilla, 2 oz sliced deli chicken, 2 slices bacon, tomato, romaine, 1 cup chicken soup, dried apricot

DINNER:  Bamquet Turkey and Dressing Dinner, 1/3 cup Lucky Leaf, whipped cream, ¼ cup Great Grains

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee, 1 On Protein Cake Bite

Minus 30 minutes walking – 163 calories

Net Calories 1198

Monday, February 19, 2018


My blood sugar readings are responding nicely to 2 servings barley plus 4 barley grass pills daily.  I was at 118 when I woke up this morning on 20 units insulin and about 1400 calories.  I am pretty sure I will need to eat 1400 calories, instead of 1200, because my hunger has increased.  My metabolism, in a word, is picking up with the barley.  I will not plan all 1400 calories, I will leave the extra calories up to the moment, and what I feel like eating.  But I will note calories, insulin dosage, and fasting blood sugar on a daily basis.  I have seen a definite improvement since I started experimenting with barley and barley grass pills.

So, here is the menu for today with 3 servings barley, plus 4 barley grass pills:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampa Cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Balance Tortilla, 3 oz Great Value Uncured Pork Ribs, romaine, ½ cup carrot and raisin salad, 2 Voortman Sugar Free Peanut Butter Wafers

DINNER:  ½ Slim-Fast Protein Shake, 1 cup barley and cheese casserole, salad, 1 cup butternut squash, ½ Nature’s Bakery Double Chocolate Brownie

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking – 163 calories

Net Calories 1191

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Yesterday was a complete flop in terms of meeting the 1200 calorie goal, but I still woke up this morning on fasting glucose of 128 – on 30 units insulin.  You know how the best laid plans evaporate at times.  I was besieged by little Daisy Girl Scouts to buy cookies, then we treated everyone to pizza.  I got my two servings of barley in, and my barley pills, but the rest of the day was a complete washout.  Better luck today, but there are a lot of happy Daisy Scouts today.

So, here is the menu for today.  There should be no interruptions.

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampa cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Balance Tortilla made into cheese quesadilla, grilled with 1 oz cheese, one cup 15 bean soup, tangerine

DINNER:  3 oz sirloin tip steak, ½ cup baked potato, ¾ cup garden medley vegetables, salad, 3 Voortman Sugar Free Peanut Butter Wafers

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking – 163 calories

Net Calories 1192

Saturday, February 17, 2018


My fasting glucose this morning is 107, much improved, and I had to eat more calories – about 250 calories extra.  My metabolism is picking up significantly with the barley and now the barley grass pills.

I ate 1200 calories and took 10 units of insulin to do so, already a 50% cut from my normal insulin dose for 1200 calories.  But I was so hungry, I had to have another 216 calories in banana bread – poor me –before dinner.  I took another 10 units after dinner  to stay at 20 units insulin, but I can see already that the banana bread was a “gimme” because the barley was affecting the post prandial highs from the rest of the day.  I never went over 180 post prandial, and was really hungry.  I think this is a case of increased metabolism, and my trophy was that piece of banana bread, all due to the barley.  I ate the extra 216 calories and my fasting glucose this morning is 107, substantially lower than my unmedicated fasting glucose of 150, and with insulin, is coming into the normal range.  I hope by the time the 60 days is up, my insulin dose will be substantially decreased.  We will see.  I must say I am not hungry at 107 fasting glucose.  This is very real and a huge improvement.

I decided to take 4 barley grass pills yesterday.  The bottle says you can take up to 10 pills daily.  And from reading on the net, barley increases the metabolic rate for 10 to 14 hours.  I should be able to eat more on the insulin I take, and cut back on it as the readings fall.  Needless to say, I am really happy with the outcome on the first couple of days.  And needless to say, I will be eating as much barley as I can work in comfortably, as well as taking barley grass pills.  I am now taking twice the barley grass pills that produced the 25% drop in fasting glucose in the clinical trial.

So, here is the menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampa cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Balance Tortilla, 3 oz Mistica Ranch Cheez-it Coated Chicken Bites, romaine, small apple

DINNER:  ½ Sim-Fast Protein Shake, 1 cup barley and cheese casserole, 1 cup butternut squash, salad, 1/3 cup Lite Lucky Leaf Cherry Pie Filling, whipped cream, ¼ cup Great Grains cereal as topping

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking – 163 calories

Net calories 1172

Friday, February 16, 2018


My fasting glucose this morning is 119.  I did that on 1200 calories and 20 units Lantus.  I did not expect anything this fast, but some of that could be insulin.  It is going to be hard to separate what the barley pills are doing from what the insulin is doing.  But I will keep both of them up for the duration and see what happens.  If the barley pills and two servings of barley during the day are helping, it will show up as reduced need for insulin over the next two months, as well as in my fasting glucose.

So, here is the menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup hot Tsampas cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Balance Tortilla, 2 pieces bacon, tomato, romaine, dried apricot

DINNER:  2 egg omelet, with 2 oz shrimp, onions, green pepper, 1 oz cheese, ½ Panera asiago cheese bagel

1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking – 163 calories

Net Calories 1208

Thursday, February 15, 2018


I had an absolutely great Valentine’s Day, and my fasting glucose this morning shows it.  It was 165, and I had to take 10 units Lantus to start the day.  I will be testing the 1 gram of barley grass daily over the next 60 days.  It should be 1.2 grams to match the clinical trial, but the pills I have are 500 mg.  Close enough.  I took my first barley grass pill this morning.  I'll take the second tonight, and 2 per day for 60 days.  I'll record my fasting glucose each morning.

So, here is the menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup hot Tsampas cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Balance Tortilla, 1 pc Van de Kamp’s Breaded Fish for Sandwiches, romaine, mandarin orange

DINNER:  ½ Slim-Fast Protein Shake, 4 Louisa Toasted Ravioli, salad, 1 cup butternut squash

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee, Dole Sugar Free Peach Cup

Total Calories 1210

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Happy Valentines Day!  I will be celebrating tonight with hubby, and looking forward to dieting on another day.  It is shrimp and fettucini, and chocolate cheesecake, with no calorie totals.  I will make a menu to stay mostly on track diet-wise until this evening.  And tomorrow I start the barley grass pills twice daily.

The menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup hot Tsampa cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Balance Tortilla, ½ cup tuna salad, romaine, apple

DINNER:  1 whole Slim-Fast Protein Drink, 3 oz cooked shrimp, salad, fettucini, chocolate cheesecake, wine

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking

Calorie Total Hidden in honor of Valentine’s Day

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


My fasting glucose is 125 this morning, much lower, on 3 servings of barley yesterday.  Today I am thinking about why the barley is doing such marvelous things with my blood sugar.  It is clipping my post-prandial highs, down from over 200 to less than 180, and sometimes less than 165.  And my morning fasting glucose is sinking.

The most obvious reason is the glycemic index of barley, which is around 20 or so on a scale of 100, where wheat and other grains are up around 100, the same as table sugar.  By having three servings of barley, I am effectively cutting out all the options that have the ability to spike blood sugar – potatoes, wheat bread, corn, and so on.  So barley is a better choice than those foods.

But the less obvious reason is the fact that the barley actively changes the gut biome, favoring the Prevotella copri bacteria.  These bacteria actually put out hormones and enzymes that lower blood sugar, and they also crowd out the other bad bacteria.  The hormones promote a feeling of fullness all day long.

I don’t think I can live on a daily basis with three servings of barley every day, but I can certainly live with two servings.  The barley hot breakfast cereal is a treat every day, and barley bread is to die for with coffee as a snack.  I will work in barley and cheese casserole when I am out of barley bread, giving me another day to make the bread.

If I keep my other carbs low-glycemic, like the Mission Carb Balance tortilla with all the fiber and low carbs, and have a dinner that is filled with veggies, that should be a nice way to approach getting the benefits of barley.  And when I add the barley grass capsules starting next Wednesday, that will be the third serving.

So, here is the menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup hot Tsampa cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Taco salad made with baked Mission Carb Balance Tortilla (sprayed with pan spray, poked with fork to stop bubbles, baked at 450F for 5 - 8 minutes in taco salad shell baking form), 2 oz taco seasoned hamburger meat, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, salsa, cheese,  3 cups popcorn, small apple

DINNER: 1 whole Slim-Fast Protein Shake, Old Monterrey Chicken Empanada, salad, raw veggies,1/3 cup Lucky Leaf Lite Cherry Pie Filling, whipped cream, ¼ cup Great Grains topping.

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking – 163 calories

Net Calories 1217

Monday, February 12, 2018


I am pretty sure the increased hunger is the mark of an increasing metabolism.

My fasting glucose this morning is 111, but I had to have the second shot of 10 units insulin to achieve it.  I am only a few days away from taking the barley grass capsules to lower fasting glucose as much as 25%.  In the meantime, my choice is to eat more and take more insulin, or stop at 1200 calories and be really hungry.  This is also an indicator of increasing metabolic rate.  I am entering a period where my usual readings are changing and I am getting really hungry.  I will wait til after Valentine’s Day, then begin the pills when I am not fighting celebratory meals and treats.  Today I am back with three servings barley, to see what happens.

So, here is the menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup hot Tsampa cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Control tortilla, ½ cup tuna salad, romaine, small apple

DINNER:  1 whole Slim-Fast Protein Shake, 1 cup Barley and Cheese Casserole, salad, 2 Voortman Sugar-Free Peanut Butter Wafers

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking – 163 calories


Sunday, February 11, 2018


My fasting glucose this morning is 135, about 15 points lower than usual.  The way I got here was not as planned. After dinner and 1200 calories, I came in at 181 post prandial, and the entire 1200 calories was metabolized on only 10 units Lantus.  I was about to just let it go, and see what the fasting was this morning, but I got really hungry, and decided to shoot the next 10 units and have more to eat.  This is symptomatic of what is happening:  insulin needs are decreasing with the use of barley, and now the 1200 calories is not enough for me.  This means I am slowly freeing myself up from the use of insulin by eating barley at two servings per day.  When I add the barley grass pills on Thursday of next week, I may see much more improvement.  I really look forward to that 60 day test.  And two servings of barley daily will definitely be part of the routine.

So, here is the menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup hot TSAMPA barley cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  ½ Slim-Fast Protein Shake, 2 oz sliced ham, Mission Carb Control Tortilla, romaine, small apple

DINNER:  3 oz lean broiled pork chop, 1 cup butternut squash, 1 cup chicken corn chowder soup, salad, 3 Voortman Peanut Butter cookies

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking – 163 calories

Net Calories 1216

Saturday, February 10, 2018


Just 10 units of insulin metabolized my 1200 net calories yesterday.  I wanted to see what would happen if I did not take the last 10 units in the afternoon yesterday.  I peaked at 213, and I should have taken the afternoon 10 units.  I wanted to see my fasting glucose today, and it is at its usual 150.  Believe it or not, this is progress, indicating that I got the usual fall in glucose on just 10 units instead of 20.  But today, I will take the usual 20 units and see where that takes me for fasting glucose tomorrow.  I am still encouraged.  My insulin needs are still dropping.  And I am only a few days away from starting the barley grass pills that have been proven to reduce fasting glucose by as much as 25%, which would take me into the “pre-diabetic” range of fasting glucose.

I am out of barley bread for today, so I will use Barley and Cheese for my second serving of barley.  I’ll be making barley bread once per week, as a loaf lasts 8 days.

Here is the menu for today.

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampas Cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  1 can tuna, cream sauce, 2 pieces Pepperidge Farm Oatmeal Bread, celery, small apple

DINNER:  1 whole Slim-Fast Protein Drink, 1/12 casserole barley and cheese, salad, 2 Marketside mini-brownies

SNACK:  1/12 pan gingerbread, coffee, 2 dried apricots

Minus 60 minutes walking inside (ice storm today) – 324 calories.  ! am walking longer to get that gingerbread!

Net calories 1204

Friday, February 9, 2018


I had a few extra-curricular carbs yesterday, and had to shoot another 10 units Lantus, so my blood sugar this morning reflects that, rather than the effect of the 2 servings of barley yesterday.  I woke up with 88 as a fasting glucose reading.  I will say that the insulin is hitting me much harder these days, since I started experimenting with barley.  I will not know how the experiment is going until I start taking the barley grass pills on the 15th, after Valentine’s Day.  That should get all the partying out of the way, and let the real work on my fasting blood glucose begin.

So, here is the menu for today, with 2 servings barley, which I will maintain from this point on because it is making me much more sensitive to insulin.

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampas cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half
(I like Tsampas cereal hot, so I use 1/3 cup cereal to 1/2 cup water, nuke for one minute)

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Balance tortilla, 6 pc Tyson Honey BBQ Chicken Wings, romaine, small apple

DINNER:  3 oz broiled lean pork chop, 1 cup butternut squash, salad, 1/3 cup Lucky Leaf Lite Cherry Pie Filling, whipped cream, ¼ cup Great Grains
(This is the best dessert, less than 100 calories)

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking = 163 calories

Net Calories 1208

Thursday, February 8, 2018


This morning my fasting blood sugar is 106, much lower than my usual 150.  I ate 1200 calories yesterday after exercise and I used 20 units Lantus.  The Lantus hit really hard, and my lower fasting glucose is the measure this morning.  This indicates that the repeated servings from day to day mean as much as the number of servings in a day.  Of course, this is not a clinical trial.  But I have observed that the more consistently I eat barley (cereal for breakfast and barley bread for a snack) the lower my fasting is going.  So, I will keep up two servings a day of barley until Feb. 15th, when I start the barley grass capsules, 1.2 grams daily as the clinical trial stated.  I am much encouraged.  The barley products are delicious, very filling, and the warm, nutty flavor of the bread is something I look forward to every day.  Insulin is expensive, and the more I can cut down on that, the better.

Here is the menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup barley TSAMPAS cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  1 whole Slim-fast Protein Drink, Mission Carb Balance Tortilla, Johnsonville beef brat link, romaine, 2 dried apricots

DINNER:  4 Louisa Toasted Ravioli, 3/4 cup garden vegetable medley

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking = 163 calories

Net Calories 1214

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


My fasting glucose this morning is lower, after all the barley servings yesterday. I woke up with 125 fasting glucose. I will only use 2 servings today – breakfast and snack.  I want to know if fasting glucose is any higher on 2 servings rather than three.   So, here is the menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampas cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  ½ Slim-Fast Shake, Mission Carb Balance Tortilla, 3 oz Mistica Ranch Cheez-it Coated Chicken Bites, romaine, small apple

DINNER:  3 oz broiled lean pork chop, ½ cup mashed potato, cole slaw, Janet’s Rich Banana Bread

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee, Dole Peach cup

Minus 30 minutes walking – 163 calories

Net Calories: 1196

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Ok, I am back today with lower fasting blood sugar.  It is 140, about 10 points lower than ususal.  I had my net 1200 calories yesterday and shot 20 units insulin.  My normal fasting glucose is 150.

At this point, I am doing several things that could be affecting that, although I will not be taking barley grass pills until the 15th.  I continue to use the Vielight 810, although I cannot quantify how it is affecting my blood sugar.  I do know the Vielight has increased my stamina dramatically, and my sleep has improved greatly.  And of course, I lost 25 pounds on the 800 calorie diet, which really affected how much insulin I take – it has been cut in half.  And yesterday, I had 3 servings barley – one with Tsampas cereal, a snack with barley bread, and some barley and cheese which will show up today in the menu.  All delicious. Barley is an extremely filling food
So, here is the menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampas cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Balance tortilla, 1 pc Van De Kamp’s Breaded Fish for Sandwiches, cole slaw, 2 dried apricots, 16 Daily Crave Tomato Basil Lentil Chips

DINNER:  1 whole Slim-Fast Protein Drink, 1 cup barley and cheese casserole, steamed broccoli

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking = 163 calories

Net Calories 1204

Monday, February 5, 2018


Well, I hope everyone had a great Super Bowl evening, I sure did!  But my fasting blood sugar this morning is really high from the food, so I won’t mention it now.  But I will starting next day after Valentines, Feb. 15th, a Thursday.  It is also the new moon, a great time to start any new project.  This test will record what happens to my fasting blood sugar when I take 1.2 grams barley grass daily.  Of course this also means I need to follow the net 1200 calorie diet very carefully during that 2 month test, so that my fasting glucose numbers are not blown out by party food.  That will be a two month test to see if I can achieve a 25% reduction in fasting glucose, as the clinical trial participants did.

So, on to the net 1200 calories for today, with exercise.  Barley cereal and barley bread will be two servings daily on the 1200 calories.  If you are not using barley cereal, and barley bread, you would not be getting the increase in insulin sensitivity that I have experienced.  That has taught me that I want those two servings a day of barley.  Substitute as you will.  Paleo cereals that are grain free are a good substitute, but won't do the job the way barley does.

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampas Cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  Mission Carb Balance tortilla, ½ cup Mom’s Tuna Salad, 1 small apple

DINNER:  1 whole Slim-Fast Protein Shake, one El Monterey Chicken Empanada, ¾ cup mixed garden veggies

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 30 minutes walking – 162 calories

Net calories 1213

Sunday, February 4, 2018


Yesterday was the last of three days with three servings barley bread.  This morning I woke up with a fasting blood sugar of 98.  That is the best I have ever seen it, and it was on my usual 20 units of insulin.  There has been a great improvement in my insulin sensitivity since I started eating barley in a major way.  I was not hungry on that 98 reading, which is a new phenomenon.

So, I think you can count this experiment as a definite success!  I will be making barley and cheese and incorporating it into 1200 calorie menus, and I will continue to make barley bread to serve at least one serving per day.  That means my other bread serving will be the Mission Low Carb Tortilla, or sourdough (low-glycemic) bread.

Between the Vielight 810 and the barley, and 1200 calories daily, my experiement has reduced my insulin intake yet again.  I will keep all of it up until Feb 15th.  At that point, I start the barley grass capsules, 1.2 gram daily.  That experiment might further reduce my need for insulin.

So, here is the menu for today:  same old 1200 calories with reduced barley bread.

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup tsampas cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, 2 tbs half and half, stevia

LUNCH: ½ Slim-fast Protein Shake, Mission Carb Balance tortilla, 1 Johnsonville Beef Brat, salad

DINNER: 3 oz hamburger patty, baked potato, 2 oz Janet’s rich banana bread, cole slaw

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Fat 82 gm, Carbs 137 gm, Protein 56 gm,  Fiber 28 gm

Minus 45 minutes walking = 243 calories

Net Calories 1197

Saturday, February 3, 2018


Yesterday was the second day of three servings of barley bread.  I did go over 200 post prandial and had to take 10 units of insulin.  When I did that, the insulin hit me really hard again.  It is hard to take less than 10 units, but I need to figure out how, because I had to eat carbs again to bring it back up.  It is looking like the barley can really make a difference, but it makes it hard to diet at 1200 net calories.  Good thing this is the last day.  I will have my three servings and consider my gut flora has been renovated with the barley bread.  I will be adding barley and cheese, and barley bread, to my 1200 net calories as I can.  We have to keep the little darlings fed.

So, here is the menu for the day, the last day of 3 servings barley bread:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampas Cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  1 ground beef patty, 1 cup Cugino’s Cheddar Broccoli soup, small carrot, 1/8th loaf barley bread

DINNER:  ½ Slim-Fast protein drink, 1/8th loaf barley bread, baked tilapia, salad

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Minus 45 minutes walking =  243 calories

Net Calories 1208

The menus will turn into regular food tomorrow, with the addition of occasional barley food products.  I will keep up the Tsampas cereal, it is delicious and keeps me full all day long.

Friday, February 2, 2018


Yesterday was my first day of three servings of barley bread plus Tsampas cereal.

My fasting glucose yesterday was 154.  My postprandial glucose after snack was 168, a low compared to usual highs without insulin of 200’s.  The difference was, I took no insulin all day long to metabolize my net 1200 calories.  So, I got normal numbers on post-prandial highs, but without the use of insulin.  I will follow the progress today.  My fasting glucose is down slightly, even without insulin.  This is very encouraging, but if I get a postprandial high over 200 today, I will take insulin.

Here is the net 1200 calories menu for today:

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampas barley cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  1/8th loaf barley bread, 3 oz Mystica Ranch Cheezit-Coated Chicken Bites, 1 small apple

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

DINNER:  1/8th loaf barley bread, 2 eggs, 2 strips bacon, 1 mandarin orange.

Minus 30 minutes walking = 162 calories

Net calories 1182

Thursday, February 1, 2018


The barley cereal and barley and cheese I had yesterday really took my blood sugar down in the afternoon, in fact, it went down so much that I had to eat 80 carb grams of sweets after I took my 10 units of Lantus.  I was stunned at how low my blood sugar was going, and how fast.  This stuff is transformative for a diabetic.  As I carried my chocolate chip cookies to the bed in case I woke up with low blood sugar (yes, I did have to use them) I was amazed that just that little barley, for just those few days, completely changed my glucose response to carbs.  The highs are gone.  I was not over 148 postprandial yesterday.

I made barley bread yesterday, and this is day one of 3 servings per day of that barley bread, in addition to the Tsampas barley cereal.  So, for the next three days, the menu will include 3 servings of barley bread.  I will have to take less insulin now.  Since the barley is so transformative for blood sugar, please work with your doctor to reduce your diabetic medications as you eat your barley.

BREAKFAST:  1/3 cup Tsampas barley cereal, 1/3 cup blueberries, stevia, 2 tbs half and half

LUNCH:  1/8th loaf of barley bread, ½ cup Mom’s Tuna Salad, 1 small apple

DINNER:  ½ Slim-Fast Protein Shake, 1/8th loaf of barley bread, 3 oz lean hamburger patty, salad

SNACK:  1/8th loaf barley bread, coffee

Fat 67 gm, Carbs 158 gm, Protein 67 gm, Fiber 24 gm

Minus 40 minutes walking – 216 calories

Net Calories 1218